Our Services

Consultations for a Brand New Garden (starting at $150)

This is the year you have decided you wanted to start a garden… But you don’t know where to start. We are here to help you.

Our 90 minutes garden consultation is where it all begins. Together we will walk through your yard and look at available space, sunlight exposure, existing water sources, check soil, consider accessibility and discuss aesthetics. No matter your space size we can make your dream garden happen. I will listen as you explain your dream garden. I will ask questions, you will ask questions, and we’ll make your garden come to life.

During the consultation I will also offer garden coaching as we walk through the garden. In addition, I will leave you a current season planting guide.

From there, several paths can be taken. You can decide to hire me to deliver a full turnkey garden, or a more DIY option, using raised beds or planting in-the-ground. In this latter case, the consultation will be more advisory than a preliminary to an installation, and could lead to a coaching assistance rather than installation services.

If you opt for an installation of a turnkey garden, before I leave, the garden location will be chosen, and I will measure the location to aid me with the design. Within the next few days, you will receive a basic garden design, and a quote for your garden installation. At that stage, you will be a mere couple of weeks away from your dream garden.

Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels

Garden Renovation and Advice on Existing Gardens

You have purchased or inherited a new house with an abandoned garden, which you want to renovate. We can help you bring your garden back to life.

Like for a brand new garden, it all starts with a consultation during which I will look at your existing garden and develop plans to spring it back to life.

Garden Handyman (starting at $75)

Scheduled maintenance when you are not able to tend the garden yourself. Flexible schedule options. Starts at $75.

Coaching (starting at $100/hour)

You’re stuck with a pest problem or need help to plan or rotate your crops, figure out an irrigation system without breaking the bank, or you simply need suggestions to make your garden more beautiful and productive. We’re here to coach you. Starts at $100/hour.

Garden Sitting (starting at $75)

You’re taking a break from the DMV brutal heat for a couple of weeks or hop onto the Appalachian trails. No worries. We get you covered by taking care of your kitchen garden while you’re away.

Consultation and Design (starting at $350)

We design and install beautiful kitchen garden consisting of our signature 2 inches thick cedar wood raised beds filled with good soil and good plants connected by metal trellises and laid on gravel. We’ll plant as many plants as possible according to your wishes using square foot gardening methods.

The journey starts with a consultation with design during which measurement will be made and the site will be selected. Following the consultation, we will prepare a full design and an installation proposal with a quote.

The cost of a consultation with design starts at $350 up to 150 square foot, and $100 per additional 100 square foot.

Garden Installation

Complete preparation and installation of your raised bed kitchen garden or landscape beds. Pricing varies by project: an estimate will be prepared after completion of the Consult & Design.